The Year '09
Happy New Year!
May 09' be better for everyone.
Good health, prosperity, and more love!
I spent New Years Eve at Euphoria; MOS, Sunway Resort.
Watched the fireworks display with baby, Marshy, YanWei and Carlston.

& I guess we manage to celebrate every occasion this year in places that arent so packed. Haha kudos to us! Me and Marshy were able to reach our targets, haha.
Surprisingly, MOS wasnt that pack as Curve according to mummy. She and daddy spent theirs at Laundry, lol. Surprise surprise.
Anyhoo, I just got back from my new years dinner with the family at King Crab.
yums (:
Results are out tomorrow and college starts next Monday!
gawd, wish me luck.
time passes so fast!