Teaser post
I calculated and I have about 400 pics yet to be uploaded. Theres even leftovers from 2008, omg.
the boys are over at my place playing mahjong //.
And i'm having a slight hangover from the booze yesterday. Yikes.

My pre-birthday bash was held last night at Zouk.
My darlings were there, the boys were everywhere and it was Gaga Vision night.
GaGa's were everywhere!
The best part was when I won her album!
Too bad I didnt win the tickets tho, but at least I have something better than nothing (:
And I really want to thank my baby for planning everything, and friends who helped out to get the party going. Thank you so muchie!
And I really want to thank my baby for planning everything, and friends who helped out to get the party going. Thank you so muchie!
Updates in a day or two.. Or more ;p