Teaser post : #stylekandi
Just yesterday me and the bunch of MHB's got invited to Stylekandi's official website launch.
You must be thinking, what is Stylekandi?

"stylekandi.com will pull together style related content from around the internet in one stylized platform. Whether an experienced blogger, designer or just keen on things that look good. You can contribute by uploading content from your blog/Facebook/Flickr and share your likes with the community."
we were given a brief introduction about the aims, goals and mission AND also the reason of launching the website.
then we were treated to some eye candy with models dressed in Roxy and Quicksilver clothings :D
and also, free flow of beer and other alcoholic beverages. Not forgetting some finger food and super tasty brownies! :D hehe.
girls & I.
Michiko and I.
She was such a dearie who accompanied me there and got me home safely!
I'm glad she had fun, she made new friends too.
Shoutout to Johnny Mayo! Heh. Have fun on your Bali trip next monthh!
Last picture of me being caught nomings on some delicious pasta!
More pictures waiting to be tagged and uploaded on facebook, till then you can always check out their website and facebook page listed below. Have fun! :D