Hennessy Artistry at Opera, Sunway.
Long awaited post!
So sorry for the delay.
Hennessy Artistry at Opera, Sunway months back.
it's my first time attending any Hennessy event, was a pretty big bummer that I couldnt make it to the huge one years back at Bukit Kiara /: hope theyre gonna come up with something like that soon, haha.
At 10pm, Opera was swamped with party goers all ready to party with Hennessy!
the massive crowd below.
with good music, freeflow and party mood going on, it was time to party!
the drinks kept coming & ooh bumped into loads of familiar faces :)
too bad the pictures are all back at my facebook I cant find thm now, so we'll have to do with the ones from my camera boohoo.
Johnny & I.
Yu Jin.
Cleone and Timmy!
yours truly, Jeslyn & Jeremy.
Ivy, Lawrence and me.
RuiYang, Collin, me & Jes.
Chantelle, Crystal & me.
Ernest & I.
Natalynn, Jes & me.
someone who I havent seen in ages! Looouiseeee!
so glad to see her then hahaha, we did have some fond memories back then :p
Last but not leastt, Allan.
till the next update!