21st Birthday (pt. III)
Continuation of my birthday celebration, this will be the last part heehee.
so for this round I had it in Zouk for some partytimee, with the close buds of minee ;
thank god I didnt end up drunk with the different alcohol I was fed!
here it goes!

Erin and Lylia ;
before the restt arrivedd.



champagne showerrs ♥

girlies and I , farr rightt Sarah darling who's in New Zealand now ):
missing her loadds!

the godbro and I ♥

Sherrie and Debbie darlingg!


munjoon at the back ;
Erin and Daryl.
Nick, me and YeeHui.
Goh Yuan.

thats when thinggs got started heehee ;
effects of multiple alco kickin' in.
Tim Chew on the rightt.

Erin and Collin.

girls going crazyy harharr.

Alvin and I.

look who's here!
Ezra, 'layannn' partner lol.

Zining babe and I.
stopped to pose for a bit harhar.

Cath, me, Erin and half of Kevin.

sayang loadds!

flaming lambo by darling Debbie ;
I still dont get it why not many are fond of this drink.
it tastes fine to me!
second tray of illusion -- another favourite drink ;
it all just tastes so sweeeeeet :D
Long Islandd ; this is abit of a killerr. Kick comes in laterr huuhuu.
Debbie bought another round for me, 'Graveyard', by far the worst and hardest drink to gulp! it was soo soooo bitter eeerr.


missing her ): sobbs.

Gotta call her BigSisDeb alreadyy, if you refuse the drink she bought for you she merajukk haha.

SherrieBerrie :D

Simon and I ; another dancing partner hahahaha.
Sherrie forcing Collin to drink.
I guess everyone was tipsy that nightt, lol.

I have no ideaa what was I doing, ohwells.

I gotta do it in 'style', straight from the bottle. Thats how I roll -.-

kisses for me :p

Kevin and I.
Voon, Ben, Yanwei and Collin.
quarter of the bunch!
the boyys.

squisssssssy ;
Cath, Daryl, MunJoon, Erin, yours truly, Lylia and a tiny Jeslyn.

sisterly love ♥
and throughout the whole night, I was still standing.
Muahahaha, I am sooo awesome *lol, selfpraise in progress*.
After that, had supper at NZ and another round with a bottle of Absinthe back at the hotel suite ♥ by this time, almost everyone was soooo tipsyy, so gone lol ; played games till eightinthemorning but too lazy to head for breakfastt so we just skipped it.
it was a great night, great week and I had great fun with everybody.
thanks for coming, eventhough I know its kinda late to thank everyone now.
but I had fun, and I appreciate the effort and surprises, ooh the pressies too!
love ya'll looooooooooong time!
Next postt, more eye visual candy to satisfy your cravinggs fellow blog readerrs!
but till thennn, ♥!

someone popped her zouk cherry :p