Nail Art 1#
Hi there everyone! I know that some of you have been following my Instagram/Pictures and been asking questions about my own DIY nail art, yes they are all done by me or with some help from my dear sister ; inspired by other nail enthusiast that I have seen on blogs/Insta/etc. So heres a few tutorials from videos I found on Youtube that helped my nail-art-making process! :D Enjoy!

- Mine was fully glitter, I didnt have to use a sponge, I just gradually layer on one by one of the chosen color till the tip of my nail and voila!

- you can also use a toothpick, hair pin or a proper dip tool to connect the drips or create drips.
So here's a few of the nail art design I tested out doing it on my own, its quite fun actually. Kills time too, and it gets interesting when you gotta figure out what tools or colors to you and match too haha.
Till the next one!