Short update : #Dubai

Pictures from my iPhone! It's been a while since I sorta live blogged. But sadly these didn't go up in time as the connection was pretty bad and I was quite busy being a traveler to bother :p

Think I'll entertain you with this picture filled post till I do a lengthy one! :) 

Few things I've been up to so far! 

Dubai has been great ; it's so exciting and fun, plus the locals are super nice & friendly. The food is great, wide arrange of shopping, plenty to do! 

Till then! X


dahi. said…
beautiful impressions!
Nick said…
looking hot there :D
Anonymous said…
looking soooo pretty plus u have a very nice white monokini/bikini.. where to get babe?
stephiielim said…
heyyaa! Thanks, I was selling it for a bit, got it from a wholesaler.

You'd be interested in . . .