How To Add Facebook Like Box Pop-Up On Your Blogger ♡

Facebook is one of the easiest ways to get traffic to your website or blog. Making full use of your Facebook to drive traffic to your website or blog will be a great tool, plus it's free!

In this tutorial I will show you how to add a cool floating (also known as pop up) Facebook 'Like' widget for Blogger.

How To Add Facebook Like Box Pop-Up widget :
  1. Go To Blogger; Layout; Add a Gadget
  2. Choose HTML/JavaScript
  3. Paste The Following Code in Content Box

Enter your Facebook Page Name
Search for and replace it with your site’s facebook page URL.
Change the 10 Second Time Delay
The widget pops up 10 seconds after the page finishes loading. Search for the code below and change the number 10000 to a greater or lesser number.
1 second = 1000. 60 seconds = 60000.

Popup every time the page loads 
By default, the like box widget only shows up the first time the user visits your page. If you would like the facebook box to popup every time the page loads, then remove this line of code:
 $.cookie('popup_user_login', 'yes', { path: '/', expires: 7 });
Display only when user visits your homepage
You can do this by surrounding the widget code with these conditional tags below. Go toTemplate Edit HTML. Now search for the  tag. Place the facebook popup widget right above this body tag.  Make sure to include the conditional tags below. 

Hope this post has been helpful ! Till then, x.


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